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Chhibaa Plus

Pretilachlor 37% w/w EW  

Chhibaa Plus (Pretilachlor 37% w/w EW) is a selective pre-emergence herbicide recommended for controlling grasses, sedges, and some broadleaf weeds in transplanted rice. It contains 37% of the active ingredient Pretilachlor, equivalent to 400 g per liter of formulation. Chhibaa Plus is a pre-emergence selective herbicide specifically for transplanted rice, effectively controlling grass, broadleaf, and sedge weeds. It dissolves quickly, spreads fast, and has a highly effective action. Chhibaa Plus is safe for both the crop and the environment. It is recommended to use Chhibaa Plus between 0-5 days after paddy transplanting, avoiding field flooding for up to 24 hours post-application.