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Simka Pro

Pymetrozine 50% WG 

Simka Pro provides powerful control against aphids and whiteflies. It delivers immediate crop protection through permanent feeding inhibition. Its 50 WG formulation provides consistent biological efficacy. It penetrates easily into the plant and ensures excellent rain fastness. Simka Pro is a novel insecticide with different chemistry that provides powerful control against Rice planthopper. Simka Pro can also control all stages of Aphids, Whiteflies. Simka Pro provides immediate crop protection through the permanent feeding inhibition of insects. It binds to the neuronal receptors, which act on the nervous system, creating a nervous inhibition of feeding capability in the insects. This action also prevents the aphid from transmitting virus material into the plant. The first symptoms are visible after 15 minutes. Insects withdraw their stylet and stop feeding within 1 hour. Aphids do not feed again but remain on the plant leaf for several days and die by way of starvation. Simka Pro is characterized by its upward and downward translocation.